Hair Transplant Indore
Regardless of gender, hair is an important component of one’s identity and a source of vanity. This is why losing one’s hair has a profound psychological effect and lowers one’s feeling of identity and self-worth.
Ageing, hormonal changes, family history, and—most frequently—a combination of all these factors are some of the causes of hair loss. Early onset of hair loss is also associated with more severe baldness. Hair loss makes people appear older, which has a bad social effect and may even cause despair.
Hair Transplantation Indore

Bald patients who don’t get satisfactory improvements with real-time medical treatment & mesotherapy are advised to go for permanent hair growth solution i.e. Hair transplantation. Hair transplantation is the most efficient and result oriented way of restoring hair since it gives permanent solution to baldness and is maintenance free in long term. It is a miraculous invention of science which makes regrowth of hair possible in the most effective and painless way. It is a boon for those who have failed repeatedly in trying to get a relief from hair fall and have started losing hair or have already lost hair. After successful hair transplantation, bald area of the scalp gets converted into a fully regrown hair zone that changes the individual’s personality. In this procedure, the surgeon takes healthy grafts with hair roots from one location (usually the back area of scalp) and relocates them to bald area of the head. Each hair graft harvested from the donor area is carefully transplanted by the surgeon on to the recipient area so as to match the patient’s previous hair growth pattern i.e. Hair line where the new hair will continue to grow in their natural course. Transplanted hair can be treated just like normal hair, which means you can cut, colour and style them the way you like. At the time of the procedure, surgeons carefully choose the method of transplant. It may be Follicular Unit Extraction(FUE) or Follicular Unit Hair Transplant(FUHT) or a combination of both. The selection of method depends on the extent of hair loss, the availability of donor area and place of transplantation of grafts as well. The FUT & FUE hair transplants are technically differentiated on the way of the graft extraction/harvesting. After the harvesting /extracting of grafts, both the procedures FUT and FUE are same and both the procedures will make patient experience next to no pain if performed well. Hair transplant not only changes the facial looks of an individual by hair regrowth but also is a wonderful modality for concealing spotted marks, burnt skin and accidental scares in the hair bearing regions.