What is Spots or Vitiligo
It is a genetic disease commonly present as white patches on any part of the body. Vitiligo is a social problem.
Vitiligo is frequently identified and recognised for its white skin patches.The cells’ decreased ability to produce melanin is what causes vitiligo. White patches begin to form on the skin in various areas of the body, such as the inside surfaces of the mouth, nose, and retina, when de-pigmentation takes place. Vitiligo is more evident in those with dark skin since it manifests as white patches. Treatment for vitiligo in Indore varies according to the patient’s requirement and skin type.Not all vitiligo patients want treatment; some would rather conceal their vitiligo with makeup. vitiligo treatment is a protracted process that might take up to 18 months, depending on the severity of the condition.
The Cause
The pigment called melanin is what gives skin its distinctive colour. Melanocyte destruction, which results in the loss of skin colour, is the root cause of vitiligo. It is unknown what specifically caused these cells to be destroyed. One explanation might be that, as in other autoimmune disorders, the body’s immune system kills the cells. Although vitiligo affects people of all ethnicities equally, it is more obvious in those with dark skin.
Symptoms of Vitiligo
Symptoms of vitiligo include an often fast pigment loss on various areas of the skin. After the white patches first develop, there may be a steady phase during which the illness does not worsen. Later, more cycles of pigment stability and loss might be seen. Sun-exposed skin, body folds (such as the armpits), previously injured areas, areas around moles, and areas around bodily openings are frequently affected by vitiligo.
(a) I/L Injection with laser abrasions:-Yag laser is used along with intralesional injections. Recommended dose is once in 3-4 weeks, for 4-5 sittings.
(b) Levia (Targeted phototherapy) &Eximer (308nm) Laser:- First in the MP & CG, excellent tool for white spots & Psoriasis. Average no. of sitting 8-10, once/week.
(c) MNRF :- microneedling creates. Micro channel for better drug delivery & microneedling along with radio-frequency stimulate melanocytes to produce melanin pigment. (Black-brown colour pigment)

